Student Excellence

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40+ Activities

School forms an important part of a child's life. At Jaipuria, we endeavour to make it interesting and meaningful. A list of 40+ activities give students creative use of time, hands on knowledge, wholesome learning and loads of fun.


Life Skills

Aero Modelling, Book Binding, Carpentry, Fabric Technology.


Visual Arts

Drawing & Painting, Sculpting and Craft.


VR & AR Apps

VR and AR AppsStudents get Opportunity to Learn using Latest Developments in Technologyes.


Performing Arts

Dance (Indian, Western) Music (Vocal, Instrumental) Theatre (Hindi, English), Guitar, Drum, Casio,


Sports and Games

Athletics, Aquatics, Gymnastics, Combatives (Boxing, Taekwondo), Football, Basketball, Hockey and Horse Riding, Shooting, Archery, Swimming, Skating, Lawn tennis, Badminton, Cricket, Volleyball etc


Specialised Labs

Mathematics, Geography, Languages and other subjects enhanced through specialised labs, Robotics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Composite Science lab, Words Worth English Lab ,